【私の心に残る風景】森の中で佇む津別の3本の巨木たち Three big trees in the forest of Tsubetsu



Once in the past I visited Tsubetsu town just next to our town Teshikaga, I happened to find one poster on which a massive moistly tree trunk was fully printed. I remember even now that it fascinated my mind somehow and made me think if I can visit this tree to see. Checking on the internet, it seems like there are three big trees in the forest of Tsubetsu. When I come to think of it, I couldn’t imagine there is a big tree in Eastern Hokkaido even if rich forest is left, because no very famous tree is known. I don’t know the reason of not many big trees are left, it may be because of severe environment, deforestation at pioneering time or any other reasons. Once I think over in my mind that there are massive trees standing in the silent forest, it is a good idea to see them around and I decided to visit them.

■歩いた先にあった双葉のミズナラ Futaba Oak Tree


Futaba oak is located ahead of the forest road. We could usually drive close to the oak tree but couldn’t because trees, seemed to be fallen by the typhoon which occasionally happens in Hokkaido came across three times at this time, stopped me to go any further. I then decided to start walking along the road with bear deterrent as the distance looked short on the map. But, the oak tree was actually further than expected to reach. I couldn’t find a massive tree although I kept walking for one hour. Just when I thought I may have missed and was about to give up, I could finally find the sign of the oak tree.

ありました。「双葉のミズナラ」です。推定1200年ということで、 周囲には同程度の太さの木は無く、この場所に立って過去から現在にかけて何を見てきたのか。問いかけても答えが返ってくるわけも無く、僕たちはただただ、道東ではなかなか見られない巨木のその圧倒的な存在感に、感嘆の声を上げるしかできませんでした。幹には大きなコブがありますが、枝ぶりは美しく、とてもどっしりとした風貌で僕たちを迎えてくれました。

There it is. “Futaba oak tree”. Its estimated age is 1200 years old. The tree, had a big wood bump and beautiful branches with massive appearance, welcomed me. No same size tree is around it. Even I asked tree what you have seen standing here for 1200 years, of cause there was no answer. I could just only exclaimed its presence, that we cannot see around Eastern Hokkaido.

■見つけるのに時間がかかった最上のミズナラ Mogami Aak Tree

双葉のミズナラを後にして最上のミズナラを次は目指すことにしました。こちらもまた林道を走って行った先に佇んでいるようです。看板に沿って険しい砂利道を走っていくと、巨樹の里と書かれた看板が出てきました。この先かなと勘違いして左折して更に先に向かっていくと、確かにミズナラを中心に何本か巨樹が集まっています。しかし、お目当ての巨木が見当たりません。おかしいなぁと散策できるようになっている山の中の小ループを何度も何度も歩いてしまいましたが、結局見つけることができません。 暗くなってきたし 残念ですが、帰ろうと、車で巨樹の里の看板があった場所まで戻ってくると、先ほど左折した場所を左折しなければ、まだ車が通れるであろう林道が続いています。せっかくだからと、さらに深い森の奥へと進んでみることにしました。すると・・・

I then try to find Mogami oak tree after Futaba tree. It also stays ahead of different forest road. The sign of “kyojyu no mori” meaning forest of big tree appears after running on the gravel road. I here made mistake to turn left and found a place several big trees of oak standing, but couldn’t find Mogami oak tree. I walked around the small loop of the path many times, but finally couldn’t find it. I decided to drive back, as it was getting dark. When I drove back to the sign I saw on the way, if I didn’t turn left, the forest road still continues towards deep into the forest. Since I had come all the way to the Tsubetsu forest, I decided to go this way.

ありました。「最上のミズナラ」です。 樹形がとても特徴的な巨木が目の前に立っていました。 完全に看板に振り回されてしまい、巨樹の里で時間を取られなければもう少し明るい時間に訪問することができたのですが、道迷いも初めての場所を訪問するときの醍醐味です。昼間でも静かな森の中、太陽が沈むと、その静寂さはさらに深みを増して、僕たちを柔らかく包み込んでくれました。林間から優しく差し込んでくる残照は最上のミズナラの異様な樹形をシルエットとして浮かび上がらせ、僕たちの心に刻み込まれていきました。

There it is. “Mogami oak tree”. A big tree of very interesting shape standing in front of me. If the confusing sign didn’t led me on, I could come here earlier but getting lost is also enjoyable when it is first visit. After the sun set, silence of the forest became even deeper than daytime and covered us gently.

■2年越しに見つけた上里のミズナラ Uesato Oak Tree


A year after visiting two big trees, I went to find last big tree, Uesato oak. Because I couldn’t find much information about it in advance, I walked at different way and couldn’t find it at the end. Since then, there was no chance to visit again in the year. I made up my mind to visit Uesato oak again in 2018 and walked on the right trail this time.


There it is. “Uesato oak tree”. It looked like Futaba oak tree having a wood bump and brilliant branches. Wind was nicely breezed up ahead rustling leaves making us feel comfortable. Forest time flows slowly. Suddenly the sun shines in from the edge of the arm-like branch, and I could see a shape of the tree looking like holding a light ball.


Tsubetsu is a town of forestry and forest is managed by people. I don’t know why only these three tree have been left until now but the appearance standing silently surrounded by young tree looks like grand-pa. Too many visitors can affect a big tree and make it fallen down. So I hope them to keep alive until its life span welcoming little visitors in the silent forest.
